“Main Street Monday” with The Lab

Thursday, October 26, 2023

The next place Molly and Mackenzie took on for “Meet Main Street Monday” is The Lab. The Lab has been downtown and a supporter of Main Street Warsaw since May of 2017. They are an electronics repair shop and will repair phones, tablets, circuit boards, and more! They repair lots of screens and batteries but also do lots of consulting. They will give you a free consultation of up to 15 minutes because their goal is to help you out.  They are more than willing to answer any questions and advise on what would be best for you. They also help out with data transfers to new devices and account recoveries. For most things you can just walk in for help except for things like back glass repair. If you want to book an appointment, you can do so on their website, thelabrepair.com. Most phone repairs they try to do in a few hours if they have the part in stock. Other repairs may take a day or so. They also sell used devices, and did you know that buying a used device can help you save 85% on the yearly costs of your device? Stay tuned for the retro computer games coming soon including Oregon Trail that anyone is welcome to come play! The special at The Lab all this month is buy a case, get 50% off your screen protector! The brand of The Lab is “Creating Smiles,” so if you have any questions, they would be more than willing to answer and help create a smile! Make sure to stop by The Lab at 120 E Center Street!